Short Term Supply
Short term supply is the provision of small volumes of water on a temporary, one-off basis to facilitate activities such as road construction.
Customers seeking access to volumes of water exceeding five megalitres, or any volume of water on an ongoing basis, should contact Sunwater’s water broker.
Details about water trading and contact details for the broker are available on the Water Trading page.
To apply for a short term supply arrangement see the following steps:
Step 1 – You supply us with the required details
Step 2 – We assess the Application and the availability of the proposed volume (Note: if you require an off-take to be installed to take the water we will need 6 weeks notice)
Step 3 – If the water is available we will send you a partially completed Application Form for your attention
Step 4 – You send us the completed Application Form and a Purchase Order number
Step 5 – We will send you an invoice payable within 7 days and Approval to take the water
Step 6 – You pay invoice (If not paid within 7 days than Approval to Take will be withdrawn until paid in full)
Note: The Short Term Supply term can only be until the end of the current water year. If the requirement is for a longer period then another application will need to be lodged at the beginning of the next water year once the announced allocation has been approved and the water available is known.
Please refer to our Infrastructure Scheme Map to find out which scheme the proposed take of water is located in.
To commence an application for a short term supply arrangement please fill in the following form:
Note: For constructing authorities seeking to obtain written approval from Sunwater under the notification for exemption requirements to the Department, please include the words “Approval required for Constructing authority notification” in the Additional details section below.
*Fields are compulsory, other fields are optional.