Awoonga Callide

Awoonga Callide


Announced Allocations
No announced allocations available
Water Pricing
No fees and charges available

Scheme information


The Awoonga Callide Water Supply Scheme is owned and managed by Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and provides water for Callide Power Station in Central Queensland.

How the scheme works
  • Water is pumped from Awoonga Dam, owned by GAWB, and gravity fed via the 14.9km of Sunwater's Awoonga to Callide pipeline from the peak of the dividing range into Callide Dam.
  • The scheme consists of three pump stations spread across 54km.
Water uses
  • Industrial purposes, with water supplied to CS Energy Pty Ltd and Callide Power Management.
CS Energy water available for landholders

Sunwater is partnering with CS Energy to enable them to donate their surplus water from their annual purchased allocation from Awoonga Dam to landholders along the Awoonga–Callide or Stag Creek pipelines.

Read more about the CS Energy water donation. Applications close on 28 February 2020.

Scheme Management

Sunwater aims to achieve the efficient delivery of water to customers in the Awoonga Callide scheme that best meets their needs.

The Awoonga Callide Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence (ROL) published here requires Sunwater to operate in accordance with an operations manual that is approved by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. The operations manual states rules for the operation of infrastructure associated with the Awoonga Callide Water Supply Scheme as well as water sharing rules and seasonal water assignment (temporary trade) rules.

The Awoonga Callide Supply Scheme ROL Operations Manual was issued in December 2016.

Stopping or restricting supply

Sunwater may suspend or restrict supply in a number of circumstances, including:

  • during maintenance of Sunwater’s assets
  • during a peak demand period, when rosters or rations may apply
  • when the demand for water is so small it is impractical to supply it
  • when there is a need to make special releases to maximise efficiency at times of limited supply
  • during rain shutdown
  • infrastructure limitations which make delivery impractical
  • if supply could cause Sunwater to break the law
  • when operating under special notices or regulations issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines {e.g. Water Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2006}.
Weather events and emergency shutdowns

Sunwater asks that customers notify their duty Water Officer, as soon as possible, of any rain event or other circumstances that substantially lessens their water requirements.

Customers are also asked to cancel orders if they no longer require ordered water.

If you experience an equipment or power failure emergency, please give immediate notice to Sunwater by calling Sunwater Customer Support on 13 15 89 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Scheme history

Pipeline is laid bringing water for power

Awoonga Callide Water Supply Scheme

The scheme began in 1988 and started with three pump stations and 54 km of pipeline. The pipeline delivers water to the top of the Great Dividing Range from Awoonga Dam on the Boyne River and then is gravity-fed via the 14.9 km Stag Creek pipeline into Callide Dam.

The Boyne River, named by explorer John Oxley because it reminded him of Ireland’s River Boyne, is considered the southern boundary for crocodiles in Queensland but few sightings have been confirmed.

This scheme provides a back-up supply of water to Sunwater’s Callide Dam, which in turn is the primary source of water for the Callide power station in Central Queensland.