Mega Litres
Structure description
Additional information
Recreational facilities are owned by Sunwater and managed by Banana Shire Council.
Boating actiities are permitted at Callide Reservoir, however, operators are reminded to read and obey the signs, look for hazards, boat to conditions and stay away from the dam wall by at least 200 metres, as marked by the buoy line, or as signed. Water activities including swimming, kayaking and sailing are permitted among other activities, however, please note the exclusion zones as signed. The boat ramp is owned by Sunwater and managed by Banana Shire Council.
Learn your responsibilities on the water through the Maritime Safety Queensland Boating and Fishing Guide.
Fishing is permitted at Callide Dam, however, Sunwater does not permit onshore fishing on or near the dam wall. Fishermen are reminded to read the signs and look for hazards. To learn what fish are stocked at this dam, visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website. A Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIP) is required to fish. Permits are available from Fisheries Queensland that set out the conditions under which you can fish at Queensland dams.
Call Fisheries Queensland on 13 25 23 to locate your nearest fishing permit outlet or apply online.
Privately owned and operated camping and accommodation is available at Callide Dam in the designated camping area.
For everyone’s enjoyment and safety, please keep your pet on a leash or restrained during your visit.
Help us keep all recreational areas clean and tidy by using the rubbish bins provided. If rubbish bins are full or unavailable, please take your rubbish with you. Please also take any seafood rubbish with you to reduce odour.
There are recreational BBQs available for use. Please use common sense when around open flame. Contact 000 to report uncontrolled fire.
Antisocial behaviour
If you observe vandalism, antisocial behaviour or any illegal activities, please contact the Police immediately on 000 to ensure we keep the dam safe and enjoyable for all.
Commercial or large group activities
Please note that approval is required for the use of Sunwater land for any organised event or function other than normal visitor activities in approved recreational areas. Events or functions include, but are not limited to fishing, swimming, rowing, boating or skiing competitions or displays, community events, weddings or other organised on-land activities. To gain approval, submit a General Application for Access to Sunwater Land or Infrastructure and Events or contact us on 13 15 89.
Motorcycles and other vehicles
The recreational use of motorcycles and four wheelers within the area and the surrounding private property is strictly prohibited.
Please practise caution when driving all other vehicles in the area. The speed limit in the camping area is 20km/h unless otherwise signed.
There is a known presence of submerged trees and other objects. Floating objects may be present after an inflow or flood event. Fast flowing water may be released suddenly from the spillway.
Read the signs and stay safe
For your own safety, please take note of the signs around the dam including those regarding private property and trespassing.
The signs indicate hazards to watch out for and areas to avoid. Keep an eye on your children and inform them of the hazards and permitted areas.
Emergency Management
View the Callide Dam Emergency Action Plan, here.
Visitors must adhere to current COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and are encouraged to observe good hygiene practices.
All persons entering Sunwater property at their own risk should exercise due care and attention and must comply with all signs, notices, the lawful directions of Sunwater, Sunwater staff, all laws, regulations and applicable standards (e.g. boating, fire, road usage). All liability of Sunwater (or its subsidiaries) to you or any other person for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising from or relating in any way to access to, or use of, Sunwater property is excluded.
Playing safe
Stay safe at dams and weirs by looking out for potential hazards and risks.
Dam history

Callide Dam
Originally built on Callide Creek in 1965, the dam was upgraded in 1988 to more than double its storage capacity of 136,300 ML.
Although its primary purpose was originally to supply water to the nearby Callide power plant, today it also supports a wide range of agricultural industries such as wheat, sorghum, lucerne, cotton, mung beans and chickpeas. The Callide Valley is also becoming an internationally recognised hub for growing quality herbs.
Most of the water used for irrigation in the region comes from underground aquifers. To replenish that source, water is released from Callide Dam to downstream controlling structures, in particular Callide Weir, from which water infiltrates the underlying aquifers.
Callide Dam also has an insurance policy to ensure continuity of water supply to its end users — additional water is pumped into the dam from Awoonga Dam 50 km to the east.
The dam’s primary function is to store water for irrigation, industrial and urban use and was not designed for flood mitigation and does not include a flood-mitigation compartment however does provide some flood attenuation benefits to downstream communities.